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¼Qº£¨t¦C Aerosol Paint Series
¼í·Æ¾¯¨t¦C Lubricant Series
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¼í·Æ¾¯¨t¦C Lubricant Series

³»°w¼í·Æªo High performance penetrating lubricant

³»°w¼í·Æªo High performance penetrating lubricant


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* Excellent lubricant for drilling, threading, boring and

   broaching; extend tool life and prevent breakage

* Cools the tool from cutting edge therefore reduce

   friction noise and increase work efficiency

* Maintain the sharpness of cutting tools, reduces the

   probability of stuck iron shreds

* Product comes with tube, can be sprayed on the

   exact surface, reduces material waste



                All metals